Soultanicals glide & go deep ayuverdic fenugreek mask treatment

What makes this Ayurvedic mask treatment so powerful?

With powerful herbs like Triphala, Fenugreek, Fennel, Licorice root and Neem, this mask is a no-fluff, straight-down-to-business kind of deep treatment!
-Fenugreek stimulates blood flow to the scalp, nourishes the hair follicles to promote faster and healthier new growth.
-Licorice root opens pores and strengthens weakened hair follicles, which is often the cause of hair loss in the first place.
-The active compounds in Triphala repairs damaged hair and increases hair volume. Also reduces dandruff!
Soultanicals glide & go deep ayuverdic fenugreek mask treatment
SKU 0000800
12 In Stock